Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Hi everyone.. Tis is Jamie helping Weiloon blog.. He booked in last Sunday and he went outfield frm monday till now le.. Its like he walked frm last night till today morning.. Din even have da time to slp for awhile.. And its gg to rain soon.. Reali worrying abt him.. Jus went to TPY with his mum.. And now i ended up in his room without him.. I reali miss him so much.. To da extend of imaginin him bathing and i playing com.. He's gg to book out on late friday.. It's still so long.. Bi faster come back leis.. I wanna tok to u leis.. I wanna give u sayang.. I wanna tok rubbish with u.. I wan u to snatch ya com with me.. *grrr* U better come back fast b4 i bitE!!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 5:56 PM
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Alright~ its book out day!
Hi guys i jus bok out ytd...well this weekends i could said is real imp to me, next week onwards...the shaggness is going to begin, tough training in camp is going to drive me way down hell~ well ok lets put it this week monday outfield, train from morning till night. then come back camp, clean weapon do sai kang(Doing odd jobs) then tuesday outfield again! this times its gona be a 3 day 2 nights.. ya!! can u imagine!! its been sometimes since we went out in da field for 3 days 2 nights..! Millions of mosquitoes bites, Sleepless night..walking in da swamp, get wet and continues yr misson! Well writing abt this makes me fear for it..alright altough we haf gone through somethings worst than this but! hey everyone still fear for outfield!! the tireness and discomfort is really killing us! if onli girls knows!! lol... alright i wish myself all the best and come back in one piece!! =P
Alright then, and jamie is starting classes on mon also!! lol Begins her new life, a new chapter, a new beginning. i hope she will realli try her best effort and not disppoint her parents and me. i'm gona miss her in outfield! lol.. after 1 yr plus in army i got a gf... and now i uds my others campmates of their feeling when they go for outfield for so mani days, thinking of their gf, worried for them, dunno what they doing blah blah blah...
Alright another things to add is tt the thing between me and jamie has totally clear up, everything is solved. No more of those kind of discomfort in da heart..but its onli me la. tt day nights off she went jurong pt find me, so touch haha.. went coffee bean with her, sat down had a talk and she really try her best to assure me tt her conscience is clear. alright I should haf believe her.. its jus me thinking too much!! but hey dun blame me, i in camp nothing to do so jus think too! LAME!!!!
Well all right new years ard the corner and i didn't even get a new clothes.. lol no time no money!! haha EXCUSES its jus lazy! ok lar then ytd acc jamie went j8 buy pencil box~ end me me buying t-shirts lol! alright la...found out tt i really needs a new collection added to my closet~ if not this year go poly really no clothes wear liao!
oki my finale~ (Coolz since when did i had a finale for my blog!) trying to act pro! haha hereby wish ya a happy chinese new year... collect fat ang pows and Spent like hell!! Cheers*
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 5:59 AM
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Mixed Feeling 10/01/05
ALright today its gotta be my book in day.. well lets see how long have i been slacking as a civilians..well its abt 14 days, i have been enjoying life since then.. now its pay back time, time to go back to camp again, leave is over, back to square one. throughtout this holiday, things happened, bad or good.. its jus keep coming. well most of them properly was things between me and jamie. But nothing wrong with tt.. maybe jus trying to test out our sincerity, trust, love on ourselves. Well we still manage to get pass it real soon. i dunno why, this is the first time i'm into relationship tt i really make afford to try to resolved everything reall fast, no more of those bo chap me. Cus she is jus too important to me now. A girl which i can't lose now, she meant too much to me.
Well yesterday went k box with dar and her bro, enjoy our singing, looking into it, some songs really lets me think back of some happy memories tt i can't brng back now, its da past, right now i jus hope to cherish what i haf. last time i use to be those bo chap person, i cherish onli after i lost them, hey tts real and i jus can't try to get back. Seeing her cry was real heart pain, i jus dun wish her to drop her tears so easily. which means i nv done my part well, to protect her, take care of her.
As i told myself after such a long time since i'm into relationship, and now tt i found her i got to cherish her, i hope things would be fine, happileh to be together. i would strive hard to achieve this.
Well now tt everything is fine now, a new chapters begin. Hopefully this chapter of this story would be describe as Sweet, Lovely, feel with joy and laughter~ this story of me and her would jus be going on and on, never ending. Avril - My happy ending~
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 5:13 AM
Monday, January 10, 2005
Its not gotta be this wAy
Alright here comes me again~ recently alot of things jus happen to myself.. things i would not wish to hear, things i would not wish to happen.. its jus keeps coming to me...2005? ain't gotta be a good year to be..RubbiSh* jus dunno what i had done..some one pls kindly tell me?
Well things jus happen like this, i just dun uds why the chemistry betweens human, why does it had to be like this? why can't ppl just live on with their lives. jus thought of saying maybe in da first place i shuld had trusted her. I know she really cares for me.. i know she won't meddle with others.. cus its jus tt i really care for her too much, i can't afford to lose her.. deeply in love with her.. jus can't bear to see her suffer like this. She cries~~ Soft hearted me..
Right now everything is solved i jus hope what happen won't really happen.. assurance is just what i need now.. alright this blog is gotta be short i shall end here...
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 10:55 AM
Sunday, January 09, 2005

Hey better with the hair not standing? yeah look more likea pretty lady=)
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 8:03 PM

Hey How abt tHis?
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 6:03 PM
Its amazing!! lol~
Alright guys its been awhile since i blog? well its onli a few days back lar...oki...well today is the 8th of jan 2 more days and i'm booking in liao. well think positive i haf 4 more months left in the army~ so ok lar. =) SMileZz*
ok jamie is going back to private o' bmc.. starting class at 17 jan~ well kinda worry, later other guys tackle her how? haha think too much again..its jus a kind of feeling la, dunno how to express it out. Hope she will really go there and study well... get good result. I wish ya all the best dar!
ok coming to this part of my blog its the best part of my life... Went Fur kids at thompson today.. take Yuki( her Dogs) to check out why Yuki is always scratching himself... Then saw some puppies SO CUTE!! especially Beagle and the miniature jack russell...then jamie said jack russell cuter, well i prefer beagle.. but beagle was way too ex le...850!! but J.R onli cost at 600...haha at the timew thought of buying.. cus really damn cute. but end up didn't buy it.. scare not enough money! then at my hse, dar's bro called yuki medicine was not with them so guess it was left at Fur Kids! Went back again to take yuki's med! then wanted to buy jack russell lia! but it was sold! jus 1 hrs plus interval it was sold!! sad!! the person told us there would be new puppies coming in later or tomolo! so we left our contacts with her..and hey guess wat not long after we reach home, she called us! AND we went back there again!! funny right..we like very free like tt, but indeed we are free la...
Went down saw the jack russell so cute, white and brown! haha first look we both agree its da one..then we pay deposit. can't get it now cus still small, have to go checkup and all these.. so tt would be in 1 months time.. haha now we also no idea what shall we call him! haiZzzz lets see ba...alright den gotta go bath after all these rushing here and there.. GRin*
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 8:07 AM
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Drops of Jupiter
Drops of Jupiter
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's time to change, hey, hey
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey
Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking at yourself out there
Now that she's back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo
Reminds me that there's time to grow, hey, hey
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
I'm afraid that she might think of me as plain ol' Jane
Told a story about a man who is too afraid to fly so he never did land
Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way
And tell me, did Venus blow your mind
Was it everything you wanted to find
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
Your best friend always sticking up for you even when I know you're wrong
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone conversation
The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me
Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back toward the Milky Way
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 4:17 AM
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Block LeaVE BloCk Leave~
Well where should i start? ok lets talk abt the start of my block leave.. ok lar well my unit dunno why so good...give us another block leave.. my previous block leave was on Nov then after tt block leave i thought tt there won't be any more given to us but hey here i am enjoying it again!
Well the last block leave i met my current gf which is Jamie, lol think without tt block leave i would not haf tt chance to met her...Well fate right? think back really fate borought us tt far.. now again i'm having my this block leave got the chance to accompany her..won't haf to complain tt i haf to bk in..haha but good times dun last, in another 6 days i'm going back to camp..
Times really past damn fast.. in another 4 months plus i'm going to abandon my ns life, a kind of living which i hated most, but not all are negative, at elast i get to meet some nice friends in army, they are really friends which truly help u when u are in need of them.. learned to take care of each other. afterall really glad to haf them in my ns life. Think gotta miss the times spent together with them after we ord. No ones to disturb yr sleep, no one to wake u up at 5.30am in da morning, no one to do monkey business with u when u are bored. Well guys if u gotta read this wish u all do achieve great success outside.
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 11:23 AM
Tuesday, January 04, 2005

SweeT DAr~ Mi3Jami3mi3
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 7:32 PM
Monday, January 03, 2005
A new year new beginning..
Hi guys, well 2005 had jus reached, a new year and a new beginning, well for me this year is gona be good. Things and events coming up jus make me feel so excited! well firstly this year i'm 21, this goes to most of the T.R.T members too.. yeah!! well 21 yrs old.. how am i going to celebrate i'm still not so sure but one thing i'm sure is tt i'm going to make it the most happening birthday of my life! lol... well i spent my last day of 2004 at batam with my girlfriend and her family... we were put up at a resort damn relaxing, i'm so comfort with the sea breeze, playing of fire crackers with her bros was like.. omg never done anything so fun be4~ ya we were all so excited abt it...haha of cus not to forget my close friends which is the t.r.t members in singapore.. they too were having their great times at alley bar.
Hopefully the year 2005 would be the turning point for me... going to ord in 5 mths times.. then get back to study. but of course got to find part time jobs in the mean time... so as my expenses will not be so siong.. alright there gotta stop here.. Me hereby wish u ppl out there a happy new year!!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 12:49 PM
Sunday, January 02, 2005

on Our way Back Singapore~ i look so tired she is jus so hyperactive lol
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 9:14 PM