Thursday, August 31, 2006

looking at wat?
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 11:04 PM

Giving up?
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 11:03 PM

dom Dancing wit his dream
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 11:03 PM
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Its over!
Hurray!!!!!!!!!! Holidaes has come.... haahaha... weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 5:57 PM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
one down 3 to go
Yesterday exams jus started. ESD was the first paper, well before tt day, me markus, py and royston went back school tor revised, clear alot of doubts on the circuits, and our tutor told us if u can do the revision paper u will haf no problem doing the main exams. True enough, when we flicked open the paper, phew relief to see that its almost the same as revision paper. we came out of the classroom smiling. lol.
Now 1 paper down and theres 3 more to go, 2 on monday 1 on wed. Sians, hopefully for maths can go through it. i hate coming back during the holidaes to take supplymentary paper! haha. Study hard!
Woke up jus now, and guess what tt headache is waking up wit me! feel damn sick of headache. For close friends that know me, i had this headache problem since primary sch. always popping panadols, till now i think i have taken hundreds of it, or maybe thousand of it. Seen doctor before, taken a much stronger medicine, but then i try not to tk it i scare later i'm immune to it and nothing can cure me alrdy! haiz hopefullly tt headache will go off soon. all right time to go. Need to get back to revision. HOLIDAYS are near! partying is not far away! lol
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 1:19 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
With this lil time
Yea since i have a little time decides to blog abit, well main exams is jus 4 days away! omg!! haha have been busy studying, trying to do all those maths qns, circuit analysis. haa.. hopefully can pass all, sick of holidays and go back to tk sup paper! feeling is jus so sucks, glad tt all projects manage to hand in on time! phweeee.
Now left with exams, over the weekedns went to watch umizaru 2! So nice. haa but if u didn't watched the 1st part u can try to watched 2nd part, but its kinda link ya. well ytd was a freaking Sux day for me, my com gif way, try to format but keep failing end up i can't switch on my com! was supposed to study mct but end up i spent the whole day doing the damn com, luckily someone saved the day for me! and its good to go now! haha.
But all my pictures and thousand over songs is gone! arhh trying hard to get back all the song, think its going to tk a freaking long time!
all right got to go now. Wish me good luck in my exams PEOPLE!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 12:04 AM
With this lil time
Yea since i have a little time decides to blog abit, well main exams is jus 4 days away! omg!! haha have been busy studying, trying to do all those maths qns, circuit analysis. haa.. hopefully can pass all, sick of holidays and go back to tk sup paper! feeling is jus so sucks, glad tt all projects manage to hand in on time! phweeee.
Now left with exams, over the weekedns went to watch umizaru 2! So nice. haa but if u didn't watched the 1st part u can try to watched 2nd part, but its kinda link ya. well ytd was a freaking Sux day for me, my com gif way, try to format but keep failing end up i can't switch on my com! was supposed to study mct but end up i spent the whole day doing the damn com, luckily someone saved the day for me! and its good to go now! haha.
But all my pictures and thousand over songs is gone! arhh trying hard to get back all the song, think its going to tk a freaking long time!
all right got to go now. Wish me good luck in my exams PEOPLE!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 12:04 AM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Ho ho ho... this few days was kinda lazy. My mind tells me to study, but my heart told me to slack! mmm humans always follow what the heart tells u! wahaha. yea but seriously i'm gona start studying alrdy if not theres no enough time for tt 4 papers!
Ytd went in malaysia to pump, as usual high rev the machines, quite satisfy with tt micron exhaust. lol went wats today plan, going marina south to eat, then watch fire works display. haha.
read a blog on a jack russell being hit by a car, and it was a hit and run, poor dog left lying there trying to fight his life. haiz owner pick him up, sent to hospital, fight his life for one day and pass away! Arhh tt driver i hope tt u will get yr retribution. Pay back time is soon to occur man!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 1:26 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Trying to get the attention!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 6:15 PM

hes Active again!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 6:14 PM

hes tryng to slp! lol
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 6:13 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
The Day tt marks Fuel wasting
haha Aug 8th. the day for bikers to gather? lol well saw so many bike coming out in big grps. The monster unleashed onto the roads. hahaha
Organised a outing for trt, 15 bike turn up, but it took 2 hrs for them to come! waited so long man at cineleisure man.. the onli man tt nv turn up is jeff, poor fellow he missed out the fun, while hes doing duty at tekong, hais.
haha the trip goes like this, we went changi v to makan, then talk abit and headed to yishun dam to chilled out... so many bike were station there, saw jackson at there also so coincidence. haha wasted fuel but really enjoy the journey. its been smtimes since we come out in such a big grp! haha...
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 3:35 AM
Monday, August 07, 2006
Stupid of me
Everyday also the same, simple. Perhaps on one is filling up my life, not blaming on u friends, cus u all have done as friends. jus tt maybe a companion for me will filled up my life.
Have been asking myself why do all those stupids thing, bother so much for what. Damn silly of me. I swear it i will nv do it again and repeated the same mistakes again! good bye for now, you're history...
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 11:20 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Movies fiesta!
Hooooo! watched 2 movies straight. Lake house and Too fast Too Furious. mmm for lake house not a bad show, but we always know tts not going to happen. But glad tt is has a beautiful ending. For tokyo Drift, as usual, seeing all those branded cars being crashed, omg.. can i have one of them? keep on dreaming manz.
haha well last week was terrible, rushing for all projects to finish, we still manage to finish it. and for next week its gotta be a relax week, wit a public holidaes on hand. felt so much Qing Song! lol... but onli for a while cus main exams are jus abt 2 weeks ago! bring it on manz!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 2:17 PM
Saturday, August 05, 2006
What a great disappointment
Well its really a damn disappointment in the friendship i haf.. for so many years. haaa try to ask me, and for sure i'm gona tell u all!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 2:14 AM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Its over!!!
Its thurs! oop project completed, Elndes project Done! all right. Well one thing i hate is conflicts in between group members.Well who do what who nv do wat, haiz why its going to be liek this. Well grudges should be gone! haa actually didn't really put tt to my heart, as i know me myself sometimes is lazy to do things, and i'm running away! waha but what is to be done it has to be done ya. anyway projects is over!
Haa didn't really feeling well, my toothache is killing me, holidaes pls come, i wana go and pulled out my wisdom tooth! its bugging me. certain thigns haven got over me, i'm jus trying to escape from it. Well its really bad. hahaha the problem is jus me. When will i have tt chance!!! its so difficults...its either u forget or u go forward, simple things like this i can't make a decision. boooooo. Distances is getting further and further away.
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 6:19 PM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
haha... august the 1st.. 8 more days to our nation birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! yea... sch was like so tense now manz. haha nvm abt tt, after this week will be much better! After this week there will be no more projects and quizzes, awaits the main exams, 24 more days to my exams, and 25 more days to my long break. haha job is what i need now, going to be dry soon, and i hate to be dry.
Spenting tons of money on my bike is enuff. spent liek hell over the last few months, accessories for my bike, myself and of cus tt darn thai trip! haa..
Well its sunny day now, nv brood abt tt matter anymore, why should i manz. haa think too much liao la mr LIM WEI LOON! haha a bomb to blow it away from me. bye....
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 10:17 PM