Sunday, May 27, 2007
TRT outing.
Weekends going to end soon. friday sat sun always the days tt past so fast. ytd met TRT at vivo. Had our dinners, shop ard, bought a new top from pull and bear. haa theres still so many things to buy, a wallet, a few more tops, a new watch. $$$$$$$.
After vivo went to kallang stadium there, ivan father is there playing pocket bike, so asked us to go and have a look. haaa pocket bike is so fun!!! had a few rounds around the circuit. So addicted to it. lol!! shiok man!!!!!!!
Mmm well i have pop out the question, feels much better. Strive for what u want. all the way!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 2:05 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
still sick
Dunno whats happening to my body system, it seems like it is having a destruction plan happening inside. firstly i got lao sai and headaches. skip sch on mon and tues. then comes today, fever come back, sore throat mc again tml. sians. i hate the feeling of sick. feel so restless. haiz..
Vomitted jus now after my dinner, damn feel so sick. and right now i'm feeling so hungry. but no appetite to eat. ARHHHH. champion is tonight, die die also must watched. becus my liverpool is playing the final against Ac milan, but got this feeling tt they will lose tonight. haiz. they are not going to be tt lucky this time. all right all the best! lol.
Something jus being screw up, i know its over bu tthen i still feel the tension. its liek getting faded alrdy. which i fear most. But wats meant to be yours its yours, u can't force it. Let nature tk its course. At the end of the day u still gotta put on a smile. tts life.
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 10:33 PM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I'm sick. after so long. last week was feeling not right. Thought will be ok after sometime. Still i get sick. Yesterday during lunch feel so tired alrdy, decides to go home, went to see the docotr, i had fever sore throat and LAO SAI~ lol. Slept the whole day. Everyone was not at home, mum and sis went japan, father returned home ard 6pm plus, cus i call him ask him help me buy dinner lol damn hungry!! ytd night 3am wake up feeling discomfort. having fever again. DAMN i hate to be sick, i rather go to school.
all right went jamming on sunday, jammed the song zombie, closing time. and much more. did enjoy myself. so shiok!!!! and seriously we need a bass. haiz. all right gtg and rest. so tired.. sleepy.. byeeeee.....
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 12:18 PM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
hi papi, i'm back.. haa been busy this few days didn't really have time, sometimes when i have the time i tends to forget abt bloggin. lol. ok school was same but at least now we are making some progression, thanks to royston. he did most of the work. We had such a lousy supervisor, the question we pop out to him, solution back from him was wrong. and always trying to act busy. damn hes a softspoken nice guy. but tt doesnt mean he is any great help to our project. lol
ok i feel damn tired this 2 weeks, haiz keep failing my ippt. can't believe it. i can't do sit up. have been eating too much. stomach was kinda weak. haaa train hard man! 3 more months to end the mp/sip then comes my 1 month plus break. I was planning to go on holiday, but totally no idea where i should head tp, was thinking of going gold coast, or maybe jus a short break to our neighbour country. lol till then, i shall decides man.
Sometimes jus wonder if i had too much time to think of other things. something is wrong about me. How should i put it. nvm about tt. All right tired going to get some rest. =) ~ciaos
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 11:07 PM
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
mmm have not been posting regularly recently. haa all right start off with my school work, well after 3 weeks we didn't do much on the project. haiz wondering if we really can finish in time. our supervisor was as blur as us. We still need to teach him how to setup the programs. haiz.. getting more and more worried.
Watched spiderman 3 last week, mm 2 and a 1/2 hr show. the 1st hour i alrdy wana go pee! i just endured throughout! wahaha doesn't wana miss a single action from it. lol. not a bad show afterall.
haaa sians also dunno wana blog what. was asked to pop the question out. But then i dun have that confident to do so. Its all mixed up. So afraid of it. can't face the fact. need some self reflection man. damn... its been sometimes. all right gd night go slp alrdy..
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 10:02 PM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
1st of may
May reached! times just pass so fast. Ok school starts for the second week, basically me roy and dom didn't do much progress on the projects, hopefully we can proceed and done smthing. haiz but its like so slack. lol we just keep talking in labs disturbing each other! wahaha
ok ytd was totally screw up by me. was supposed to meet serene at town ard 9.30-10.30 told dad i will be using the car, he said ok, he will be back by 10.30pm, 10pm i called him to confirmed the timing, but he didn't pick up, i keep calling and he didn't pick up! damn made serene waited at orchard. end up 11pm my dad call back, saying he left his phone in the car!! haiz.. serene followed kl back to toapayoh to meet my first then i went tpy to pick up serene, the time i picked her up the time was like closing to 12am! damn...earlier on told her i will be late then suggested i booked the movie wild hogs on the net! damn!!!!! the net was down transaction keep failing. after met her rush down to ps to see if the tickets were still avaliable thank god it is. haha anyway only 8 person in the cinema when we went in. lol! overall tt show was ok.. so funny... haaa toally screw up the day man!
public holidays was also a demoralising day, when the night comes, meaning u gotta slp early for tml work/school. ok done with my post, wish every one a happy labour day! lol
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 9:50 PM