Saturday, May 24, 2008
Better days
Hey peeps.. haha I GRADUATED LO!!!!!!! lol all rihgt i have uploaded the pictures its jus below this post! have a look at my graduation day. It was so much fun. Met roy and dom in the noon for lunch at school! haha we were afraid after this we nv had a chance to come back, cus they are going ns and others would be busy working! Yea we had so much fun on that day, but the weather is hot like hell, putting into consideration the shirt we wore, the pants we wear and we had to put on a tie and THAT GRADUATION GOWN! gosh its hot like F*** hahaha. Ok let the pictures do the talking, everyone was smiling. haha what a joyous day!
Ok i begin to realise something which was important in the past was no longer important! Friendship. haaa i see it with my own eyes, something which all of us had in the past was no longer there, some had gf commitment, some had new found friends and the bonding is no longer there. NO longer hanging out late, no longer meeting out on sat be it movie, dinner, hanging out. Its kinda sad to see this. But whatever it is i just hope we still treat each and everyone of us as best friends although we seldom meetup. okay... thats all i have to said.
OK david won the american idol. Time of my life a nice song, catch it at youtube! ciaos fellow! For a better tomorrow!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 10:29 PM


Waiting to get that toilet paper

its me! wahaha

Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 10:22 PM

Me and melissa

The trio

Biker buddy.

L TO R : Finish army, Commando wanabes and tekong dom
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 10:20 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Truth and facts.
Sometimes its cruel to learn the truth and facts. u learned it, u face it.
Its been a tiring week for me. Work was like GOSH! what can i said, stay in office till 11pm on monday, reach home at 12am had my "dinner" then slp! the next day WORK again! hahahaha but thank god its only that monday and actually its because something cock up thats why... nvm thansk for those who help. appreciate that. ahahaha.. remaining of the week was like reaching home 7 plus 8 plus only thurs manage to get home before 7! hahahaha. WHAT A WEEK! and luckily its long weekend! yeappppppppppppppppp.
Sat: went recording today, 2 hrs was spent setting up, something wrong with the mike had to keep do sound check. luckily we manage to record the drum part in 2 hrs time, went home for dinner cause mum is flying to japan! When can i have my holiday! i am still waiting......
Sun : meeting trt to go T2 for sakae sushi buffet durring dinner time! hahaha so long since i went for buffet. hahaha.... and i am planning to rest on monday gotta rest well enuff! before tuesday going back to work and its war time again!
I am going for my graduation on wednesday!!!!!!! yeaaaaaaaaaaa at last i got my diploma, was thinking of carry on my studies but thinking of work and study its so tired! Have the passion have the will, and think of my future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha okay enuff at least i came up and blog about my monotone life. i am still waiting....
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 1:12 AM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 8:21 PM

Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 8:19 PM

Ah han trying to untied the balloon!

Man of the day man! he was working so hard for His wedding!

Ivan lim! lol
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 8:18 PM
Best wishes.
It a tiring and busy weekends! May 10th the day Yap And xinjie is husband and qife! lol congrats to both of them!
Ealry afternoon went over to yap hse, help himto move the stuff to the chalet where he and xinjie is going through enagement! or i should said legally declared as husband and wife! lol. It was a long day, Went to chervon chalet move the things into the chalet, after that han and me went to collect balloon decoration for the ceremony. His dad drive us to holland v to collect the ballons. and its so EXPENSIVE. $1.50 for heart shaped balloons and $1.30 for normal size balloon! Reach holland v, instead of looking for that shop, i and han went shopping ard, bought 2 tees! wahaha wondering is i and han knows whats important! After that went back and they started decorating the small hut, while i run some errands for yap getting packs of ice, buying party poppers! haha came back to the chalet was like 4pm plus alrdy everything was setup, but ppl are getting hungry too, and our ivan sound out first! wahaha had so much fun at there! and its really happy seeing them get together, married and now husbnand and wife. When they were saying I d! haha can see xinjie is going to burst out crying! Tears of joy! hahahaha.. But the power of make up make her to hold back her tears. Haaaa all right enuff of saying will post pic later! =)
Today was such a lazy day as usual. Wake up feeling so lazy, jus wana slack hahaha and its mother day!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy mother's day to all mother in this planet! Haha if u have been attituding yr mum all this time, please at least make a effort to make her happy this day! LOL.
All right time for me to go and slack again! Last game of EPL season! hohohoho man u gotta lose PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! wahaha see ya guys again... Picture uploading soon!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 7:58 PM
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Long Long time ago!
Hello peeps i am back writing here. haaa Been working so theres no time, my life is sooooooo busy! wahahaha. all right i should at least update whats happening in my life. Basically weekdays i am working! only get to catch some breathe on weekends, Movies of course. Watched the forbidden kingdom, iron man. well both movie was a hit. but i would prefer iron man, but teh ending was kinda sucks! not much of fighting, haha i was expects lotsa things from a movie, still love comedy romance something like american pie, its such a sweet movie! haaa.
Ok for that past last month, went studio to record on hiang kang self compose song, its done for his final year project, will upload it on my blo9g for u all to listen.
Drums played by me!
Vocal and bass guitar by mike
Lyrics and guitar by Hiangkang.
haaa once recording was done hiang kang sent me the song, kept listening although its not very good but its jus so nice listening to own song! hahaha. Thats one thing i really enjoy doing now. Play some music! =) for the sake of kang recording, mike bought a bass guitar and i myself got a drumkit yamaha dd-65! whoohoo its not the real thing but at least i could still practise on my strokes!
Ok its may and theres 2 ph one jus past and another is coming in liek 2 weeks time! hohoho and after may was like no HOLIDAYS! zzzzzzz working was not fun at all other than each month u get yr pay, u get a smile! early slp erly wake up was jus so not me! haha Glad i still have fun loving colledges who jus love to joke around and cut the tension in office! =) i jus need to go on a holiday! Taiwan, japan, hongkong, thailand, australia! theres so many places! arrrrrrrrrrrrr Last month sis went hongkong! this month mum going japan! and ME? i jus stuck in singapore! thats so pathetic of me! lol..
Someone been asking me, why dun get a gf, its not i dun wan its jus i think now i jus gotta concentrate on doing my stuff well, let fate decides on who tt person is, Once went into it, and u get out of it with scars, its jus not a good feeling. i hate this feeling so jus let it be! Perhaps if u didn't really think of it, the one will jsu come! haha so i jus wait.
Ok my entry is long enuff? and pls stay tune for the song kang wriote and music play by us! anyway call our band Gry-knights! lol =) Cheers!
Posted by PuREMilk's Article at 7:57 PM